Loving Mr. Wrong

L.L Walton
3 min readMay 18, 2020


He comes into your life like a warm breeze, giving you all the attention that you’ve been missing. His charm is undeniable, not like the other guys. And after listening to you talk about all your man troubles, he pretends to be the complete opposite. He has zoned in and listened to everything you have said and now he will use it all against you.

You don’t notice at first, blinded. He was pretending to be in love, pretended to care, pretended to give a single fuck about your feelings. I didn’t know the living dead existed until I meet you. It felt so real how could anyone have known the difference? But that was his M.O. He was a professional and you were the mark. Now you are in love and its impossible for you to see clearly. You can’t do anything right. Yet, when he asks you to borrow money to buy you a gift you fork it over, with a smile. Anything to see him happy. Anything to get that high that seemed so promising in the beginning. When he returns with nothing, you realize the money was for his date with the next one. You argue and fight and it becomes his reason for cheating when in fact he has already moved on to his next mark. Once you stop falling for his bullshit, believing the lies and expecting an explanation for his disappearances, you are no longer the Queen he said you were. You become the enemy. It’s time for him to move on to the next one, while you are left in a frenzy, trying to figure out what went wrong.

There is nothing that went wrong. Everything that happened had to happen in order for you to move on to greater things and for him to receive his karma. When we are not loving ourselves the way we should, the universe has a way of sending people into our lives to help check ourselves and wake us up. These people can come in different forms and in different ways, but the message will always be about you. Some people will accept that low vibrational love and wonder why they are not happy or wonder why they keep getting the same shit over and over again in relationships. You have to change and become a better woman or man to get better. You have to exude so much love for yourself, that anything that is not aligned with you, will fall back and you won’t even have to know about it. They’ll just disappear. There are people in relationships and marriages that they don’t even like. There are people feeling stuck in their relationship, with no movement, just misery. So be thankful for a heartbreak, be thankful things didn’t work out, be thankful you had the courage to leave because on the other side of that heartache is real love. A life so beautiful that you could not have imagined it. The love you have for yourself will always be reflected back to you, so go get the love you deserve.

Loving On You

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Phtot Credit: Wattpad, JanaXDD



L.L Walton
L.L Walton

Written by L.L Walton

Author, Blogger and Podcaster. I offer advice and discuss relationship dynamics.

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