Make Him Settle
I have been single for a few years. It has been a time of growth, maturity and realizing my true worth as a woman. I had the pleasure of being in love with and loved by a man who did nothing but show me that he loved me. So when I run across men who expect me to court and pursue them, they usually just get a blank stare, blocked or used for something.
Although dating has had its perks, I still find myself meeting men who expect me to lower my standards to date them. Never that. You will have to understand my history in order to understand why I will never take fuckboys, self-centered jackasses or these certified players serious. And what’s worse than a young fuckboy, an old one. When a woman decides to play with a man’s emotions, she can do a hundred times more damage to the heart of a man, than he could ever do, so why play with it?
Often times when myself or any woman who is complete with herself and has her own, often find ourselves settling for these half ass men offering crumbs. It’s a case of having a little bit of someone, then having a whole lot of no one. They come around to see how they can benefit from your light. But don’t get in the habit of accepting less than what you want in a man, have him meet your standards. And if he can not, then let him settle for who and what he can get. You are the real prize. I guarantee, he will always come back around to try and test the waters, because when you are settling, the other one will never be enough. Entertain him if you like, but make sure you send them back to whoever he came from.
I will always believe in love. It’s all around me and it will only take one moment that will solidify my desire for you. Never settle for the first man that shows interest, date and be selective. Enjoy the process of getting to know someone, because a lot of them have masks and hide their true intentions. Take your time and never rush. If he comes rushing in, you put the brakes on and look him in his eyes and find out what he really wants. Dating does not mean that you are having sex with every man that’s interested in you, it just means that you have options and exploring the best man for you.
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Love and Love Again!!