My Broken Heart
A few years ago, there was nothing more painful than my broken heart.
A promise to love has been violated and there is no putting the pieces back together, or at least these pieces because now I have been transformed into something new. Never to return to the woman I was.
You took all that I gave, and in return, you deceived me, took me for granted, lied, cheated with girls and boys and now you want to return? I think not, my love. Your dagger was sweet. It entered my back as you hit it from the back, so the pain of it was unnoticed.
My eyes closed, but when they opened, I saw how my low self-esteem, allowed you to steamroll all over my heart. How my amazing love would never change you. I saw how tight my eyes were closed, with my heart wide open to your deception. I only wanted to see the love in you, which was an illusion. It’s amazing how the worse person can be seen with loving eyes from the lover. I saw only the good in you because those were the moments I looked forward to, but you were bad from the start. So it was a happy ending.
Today, you see a woman who knows what real love is. A woman who is no longer impressed by words, but actions. A woman who will never give up on love and being with a man who is in tune with self, because how you treat yourself will determine our future. I am a woman who lives in the moment and wears her painful moments as growth and loving myself fiercely. Never bitter, only love eludes from the soul of me, only to connect with the fire that is within you. This won’t be no easy ride, but it will lift you to new heights. Calm your soul with a touch and solve all problems with a kiss. Are you ready? Let’s Go!
Loving Me Forever
LL Walton