My Experience with An Younger Man
One of my best relationships was with a man that was 10 years younger than I was. He was very confident, loving, attentive and served me like a Queen. Although there were some fundamental differences that would not allow us to have a fruitful long term relationship, for the time that we were together it was magical.
I am always open to learn from someone, in essence it’s how I learn about myself. Although my intial response to this man’s approach was, “Hell no, you’re too young.” His reply, “Too young for what?” left me somewhat stunned and so the relationship began.
I’ve included below a list of unexpected things that all men should be aware of.
- It takes a man to handle a woman, no matter what age they are. There is nothing wrong with showing someone that you love them all the time. You must first love yourself. I know it sounds cheesy, but you do attract what and who you are. (He was in love with himself and said it often!). Confidence is such a sexy thang!
- Another realization during this relationship was, his ability to listen with or without a response. There’s no need to solve all my problems. Sharing in silence is a wonderful way to show gratitude.
- Never be afraid to give in to love, you may be surprised. Because I went into the relationship with a fools heart, I was more open to the experience as opposed to thinking where this might go or if he will be my husband. If we just learn to enjoy the present, the future will properly align.
Our love lasted as long as it should have. He came into my life at a time when I needed what he was offering. He helped to heal my heart. Every now and then he calls, just to say hello. He does not know how much that makes my day. Although I think of him often, I already know what his expectations will be. I am tickled at the fact that some younger men always try to get in my bed, but a better route would be to try to get into my head.
That young man did not know much about love, but he was willing to try. He recognized my difference and I appreciated his gentleness, kindness and appreciation of my time. Where did he learn all this chilvary from? I don’t know, but I do know a few older men who should take a page from his book.
LL Walton
Instagrams gram: llwaltonauthor