Pure Heat- A Poem Story
He walked in to the room all I can feel was his baritone voice
Like silk it entered my ears and down my neck and landed on my collar bone
My body froze, my mind raced wondering where the heat was coming from
I sat there no longer watching the TV, but taking in all that he said , how he said it and what would he say to me…My phone rings, I walk out the room to take the call.
As I passed him by, I refuse to look into his eyes, but his eyes were on me. I could feel the heat. His shadow told me he was tall and thick. His voice was not the only thing that was deep, I wanted him deep in me.
As I reentered the room, he stopped me to say hello. “Oh hi”, I said as if I never even noticed him. The nervousness of my body created sweat between my legs. If I were wearing a skirt you could see the wetness slowly slide down my leg. He was beautiful. His 6'4" frame was a compliment to my 5'4" body. His lips, juicy and moist waiting on a kiss from me. He spoke words that I did not hear, my focus was his statue. His brown eyes, his dark skin; I wanted a tall glass of him. Straight, no chaser.
At that moment, he could have anything he wanted from me. I was mesmerized and I enjoyed the submissiveness of it all. Take me, do as you please, please. Use me tonite. And if you make it right, I will be yours forever.
Touch me, feel that I am soft. Know that this is yours until you are full. And when you are hungry again, I will be there to anticipate all your needs.
Let your hands roam by body like a tourist with no map. Where ever you end up is the right place. Take a trip to my fairyland, every ride is sweet. Let me take you to the highest point of clarity. Only a man who can truly see the beauty of what he is embarking upon, can truly see me.
Damn, my phone rang! As I returned from my trance, I was being introduced to this man with whom I had made my fantasy. Unbeknownst to him, in my mind we had made love, swapped lips and touched in curious places. We shook hands, made small talk, he went his way and I went mine.
I smiled knowing where I had been.
LL Walton, Author*Blogger*Podcaster
Twitter: LLWriter
Instagram: llwaltonauthor
Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5OqxfkNEbnOgiaeVfbwrmB