5 Steps To Moving On After a Break-Up!
There is nothing more exciting than the feeling of being in love. But when things are not working out and the most viable solution is to break up,then the road to recovery can be long. Whether you have been in a long term relationship or a short term one; the fact is the relationship has went south and you need an immediate recover plan. Please remember it is not the end of the world, in fact, the universe is probably waiting to bring you the man or woman that will truly be good for you. I guess the term is true love, or maybe even soul mate; I don’t know, but there is someone for everyone. Whatever stage of life you are going through, every love interest serves a purpose and with love timing is everything.
STEP 1. Come to terms with the fact that the relationship is over. There is no real reason to start or maintain an immediate friendship with an X, unless the relationship was more of a friendship in the first place. If that is the case, then the transition to a break up will be smoother.
STEP 2. Remember what life was like before you meet this person. What interest did you have? Haven’t seen your friends in a while? Get out and get active. There is no reason to sit around and sulk forever. Shed a few tears, but then move on.
STEP 3. Fallng in or out of love requires the same kind of energy. You have to be positive and remain hopeful. What you welcome into your life, often initiates in the brain. Do not spend too much energy thinking about the past, its done.
STEP 4. Out with the old in with the new. Get a make over, change your diet, create a new and improved you. Make sure that if you ever cross the path of your X, you want to look like a million bucks!
STEP 5. Start dating, even if you dont want to. There is nothing more gratifying than hearing compliments or simply being appreciated by someone other then that significant other. If you don’t feel like that kind of entetainment, then just get out. Take a moment to appreciate all that you may have missed while in the relationship. Start by admiring and adoring yourself. “I am beautiful”. “I am worthy to be loved”. “I rock!”. Sometimes an ending is really a chance at a new beginning.
L.L. Walton