Why are you single?
I used to cringe when someone asked me that question. It used to make me feel like I needed to be in a relationship. It made me feel like there was something wrong with being single. Then I started to think, what is wrong with being single? My conclusion…….absolutely nothing!
Single is the place where I have been able to explore myself as a woman. It is been where my greatest love was developed. Single is, if I want to have dinner with you, I will. And if I want to take a train ride with someone else, I can. My only obligation is me. It makes me fully responsible for my happiness. There are people who are in marriages, who have yet to find themselves. They do not know themselves or the person they married. There are several people in relationships, trying to break that soul tie. A soul tie that was created out of the need to have someone in their bed. If I wanted to be married, all I have to do is say yes, but I am not the one to be in a relationship just for the sake of having a man or husband. Growth and understanding of self, has been a mission that only I can complete.
I am not a woman in waiting. I am not waiting on a man to complete me. I am doing that myself. I want to be fully evolved to the level of my next love. I am beyond the level of infatuation. The stronger I love myself, the stronger our love will be. I am single because that is how I entered the world. I am not part of the collective that says that you have to be with someone in order to exist or validated. I am existing in my own dreams, and once he appears he will join me in this magical realm. Divine timing will make it exist.
I am not religious. My religion is me. There are restrictions in religion that no human can attain. My spirit is free and can not be defined by yearly rituals, commandments, and other indoctrinated acts. My husband is already my husband, wherever he is, he has his own journey and eventually, he will be presented to me. We will have stories to tell and moments to share because once we get together it will ignite another level of love in us. A matrimony of love and understanding that will surpass anything either of us has ever experienced.
So the next time someone asks you why are you single? Tell them because you are minding your own business. Every single person is not looking for a mate. Being married is not the goal of every single woman. And if it is, that is your prerogative. You should never be judged for the season you are in because seasons change. Enjoy and savor where you are right now. I can not tell you how sweet it is to wake up on a Saturday morning with options.
Love Make Love